Monday, October 21, 2013
New blog
Effective immediately I will no longer be blogging here. You can check out my new website at It should be live in the next few hours. Please be sure to change your bookmarks to reflect the change. Hope to see there! Thank you for all your support! ~Lynn
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Call for Reuse Artists, Crafters and Tinkerer's . . .
Open call for REUSE artists of all kinds: Garage tinkerer's, stay at home moms, artists, crafters...Anyone who uses 75% or more Landfill Destined Material in their works...
Show to begin November 30 and run through December 31 with sales off the walls. Low commission. And sales during Thanksgiving weekend will be paid out on the 15th of December.
Anticipated drop off around November 16. Email for more information.
Show to begin November 30 and run through December 31 with sales off the walls. Low commission. And sales during Thanksgiving weekend will be paid out on the 15th of December.
Anticipated drop off around November 16. Email for more information.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
GOOD GARBAGE HAS A HOME!!!! Grand Opening set for November 30!
First let me apologize... I am very sorry for the lack of information on this page! I know it's been a very long time since I have been able to write here! I am not a very good blogger so I sure hope you have been following me on Facebook and Twitter! I had a blast over the summer working with all the kids, doing camps and reuse art programs. I also was on the Planning Committee for the Louisville Mini Maker Faire which was last Saturday, September 28! If you didn't get to attend, check out our Facebook page and this great article!
During my posting absence I was working very hard selling every chance I could and appreciate The Flea Off Market organizers, Courtenay and Nathan. With them offering non-profits free space, I was able to at least keep the storage space paid for each month and buy some glue to keep the kiddo's happy with their art projects.
I had also been actively pursuing a cool home for Good Garbage! I searched high and low and visited lots of people and places to find a good fit. It's not easy! Louisville is a big city and there are a lot of vacant buildings and sometimes I wonder if people ever really want to see life in them. I have a small budget, so a place that is pretty much move-in ready and well, cheap! I have learned one thing, if I have learned anything... You never know who is listening when you are talking. Through a conversation with one friend, a friend of theirs heard my needs and Voila! A building was found! And a new friendship was made.
We will be located in the Portland neighborhood and if you haven't heard about the Portland Initiative, then check that out! I looked at many places in Portland and knew that is where I wanted to be. This space is in an old neighborhood corner store, that more recently was a laundromat. And low and behold it is smack dab in the middle between the old retail district of Portland and the up and coming artist area! About four - five blocks from either.
Besides keeping perfectly good stuff from the landfills and providing inexpensive items for teachers and artists, I want to take free art to kids in disadvantaged areas. And driving through on a Sunday afternoon... There is no shortage of kids! There are many schools nearby and that means teachers can easily get cool items they need; kids can play with good garbage to create art and use creative thinking skills; and there will be new life in that pink building that was once the cornerstone for the area. I am looking forward to becoming a part of the neighborhood!
There is a lot of work ahead to get the place ready and move from my storage space to the new building. I am looking at an opening of November 30. We begin work this week!!!! Ambitious? Yes! But I know that with a little help from my Louisville Timebank friends and my cheerleaders within the community, we will have the building prepped and ready for the Grand Opening! Our first community clean-out of the building will be October 11. If interested in helping, email me at There will be lots of chances if you can't make that date.
Be sure to subscribe to the blog, like our Facebook page and find us on Twitter for updates to follow us down the Green Brick Road to Good Garbage.(Fell way short on a take of my favorite Yellow Brick Road, but I tried.) If you would like to be added to our mailing list to get special offers, announcements and newsletters, please click HERE. There will be more details to follow soon. Please share with your friends. Thank you all for your support and I look forward to sharing my vision LIVE very soon!!!
During my posting absence I was working very hard selling every chance I could and appreciate The Flea Off Market organizers, Courtenay and Nathan. With them offering non-profits free space, I was able to at least keep the storage space paid for each month and buy some glue to keep the kiddo's happy with their art projects.
I had also been actively pursuing a cool home for Good Garbage! I searched high and low and visited lots of people and places to find a good fit. It's not easy! Louisville is a big city and there are a lot of vacant buildings and sometimes I wonder if people ever really want to see life in them. I have a small budget, so a place that is pretty much move-in ready and well, cheap! I have learned one thing, if I have learned anything... You never know who is listening when you are talking. Through a conversation with one friend, a friend of theirs heard my needs and Voila! A building was found! And a new friendship was made.
We will be located in the Portland neighborhood and if you haven't heard about the Portland Initiative, then check that out! I looked at many places in Portland and knew that is where I wanted to be. This space is in an old neighborhood corner store, that more recently was a laundromat. And low and behold it is smack dab in the middle between the old retail district of Portland and the up and coming artist area! About four - five blocks from either.
Besides keeping perfectly good stuff from the landfills and providing inexpensive items for teachers and artists, I want to take free art to kids in disadvantaged areas. And driving through on a Sunday afternoon... There is no shortage of kids! There are many schools nearby and that means teachers can easily get cool items they need; kids can play with good garbage to create art and use creative thinking skills; and there will be new life in that pink building that was once the cornerstone for the area. I am looking forward to becoming a part of the neighborhood!
There is a lot of work ahead to get the place ready and move from my storage space to the new building. I am looking at an opening of November 30. We begin work this week!!!! Ambitious? Yes! But I know that with a little help from my Louisville Timebank friends and my cheerleaders within the community, we will have the building prepped and ready for the Grand Opening! Our first community clean-out of the building will be October 11. If interested in helping, email me at There will be lots of chances if you can't make that date.
Be sure to subscribe to the blog, like our Facebook page and find us on Twitter for updates to follow us down the Green Brick Road to Good Garbage.(Fell way short on a take of my favorite Yellow Brick Road, but I tried.) If you would like to be added to our mailing list to get special offers, announcements and newsletters, please click HERE. There will be more details to follow soon. Please share with your friends. Thank you all for your support and I look forward to sharing my vision LIVE very soon!!!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Jam Packed Summer Camps, Week One

At Passionist Earth & Spirit Camp Odyssey, we made magazine picture frames, paper bag kites, toilet paper binoculars (see below) and paper rockets from magazine pages. Then on Friday we launched the rockets and watched them with our binoculars. The binoculars also came in handy to find my rocket that landed in the trees. Unfortunately we couldn't figure out how to get it down.

What you need:
2 Toilet Paper rolls
Paint or Markers
2 Paper Clips
Hole Punch

Have a creative and fun week and I'll see you back here later this week to show you how to make simple paper rockets and the launcher for some more summer fun from your "I'm bored! Box."
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Picture Perfect Summer...

Here are the instructions for making this fun magnetic picture frame.
What you need:
- Colorful magazines, the one time the more ads the better.
- Piece of cardboard, about 5x8" but whatever size you want. It could be from a mac'n cheese or cereal box. Mine was from a UPS envelope that I'd gotten.
- Scissors
- Glue (Stick or bottle)
- Straw (I used a small one, for kids the bigger, thicker ones are better)
- Advertisement magnets
Cut the center out.
I made it 3.5x5.5"Cut the cardboard to the size you want.
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Make sure you use colorful magazine pages and cut into strips. |
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Using the straw, roll your strip twice around the straw and cut. Add glue to the end and seal. |
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Glue the roll to your frame. |
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Be creative... |
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Those outdated magnets found on your phone books... |
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Cut two strips from your magnet |
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Glue magnets on the back side. Make sure to align with the inside edge . |
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Hang on your fridge with a 4x6" picture behind it. |
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Another option for rolling the magazine strips. |
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I did this one with just torn pieces of magazine for the younger kids at the camps. |
Saturday, May 11, 2013
T-Shirt Necklaces, Bracelets and Scarves - LFPL How to Festival

On Saturday, May 11, the Louisville Free Public Library will host the How To Festival at it's main branch from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. I will be there from 1-3 p.m. demonstrating how to make a t-shirt necklace, bracelet and scarf. Here's the instructions so you can do it at home if you can't make it to the festival.

- Clean t-shirt (most stains won't show up), One with stripes or a colorful one will work best. Almost any recycled fabric will work.
- Scissors
- Masking tape or heavy object
Starting from the bottom of the t-shirt, cut 1" strips across it (this will form rings). (Also if you are using another type of fabric you can cut a snip into the fabric, then tear to give the finished product a funky frayed look.)
If you want to make a necklace or bracelet, you can cut the rings in half.
If you want to make the scarf, you will keep the rings in tact.

- Choose 2- 3 strips of fabric, tying a knot at the top to hold the pieces together. You can choose different fabrics, or all the same, whatever you like.
- Begin braiding or twisting the fabric strips. Placing a book or other heavy object on the knotted end or using masking tape to tape it to a table will help hold the necklace in place as you braid.
- When twist/braid is complete, finish by knotting.
- Take the two knotted ends and tie a third knot to make a loop, pulling very tightly.
- Cut the excess fabric and original end knots off, leaving only the finishing knot.
- Try layering necklaces of various sizes and colors for an easy summer look.
- You will need as many circled strips as you wish for the length of the scarf, usually about 10-15. You will get about 15-16 from one t-shirt.
- Stretch out each ring and wrap around your hand three to four times. The more times you wrap around the shorter and thicker you scarf will be.
- You will need some smaller strips, approx. 2", to tie the scarf together. These can be cut from the sleeves of the t-shirt. They should be cut about 1/2" wide.
- Once you get the ring strips ready, you will link the loops made on your hand with the smaller strips by tying it around two loops. You can either leave it open so you have one long scarf or you can tie the two ends together to make a round scarf.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Spring Time is Kite Time... Make your own
I remember heading to Woolworth's as a kid (that shows my age, sigh) and looking through all the cheap plastic kites... There were Spider-Man, Holly Hobbie, Dinosaurs, many to choose from. This was a sure sign of spring time!
Well, welcome to spring! And what a great way to get it started... making a kite from grocery bags or lunch sacks. Here's how we did ours...
Grab a kid (if you choose too) and these items...
- Large brown paper grocery bag or lunch sack
- Strong string
- Scissors
- Hole punch
- Masking tape
- School glue or paste
- Paint (any kind) (we used all natural dyes made from fruits and veggies)
- Crayons, markers, or colored pencils
- Paper streamers or crepe paper that you can cut into strips
- A few found objects (bits of paper, glitter, buttons — nothing too heavy)
- Begin by taking the hole punch and making four holes in the top of the paper bag— one in each of the corners. Use masking tape at each hole. If you put it on after you punch, use a pencil to punch through the hole. This will ensure that your holes don't tear through.
- Next, cut two lengths of string about 30" each.
- Tie each end of the strings through a hole in the bag. The goal is to create two loops.
- Next, cut another piece of string — again around 30". Loop this new piece of string through the two loops you created and tie in a knot. This piece of string will become the handle of your kite.
- You are now ready to decorate the paper bag kite using paint, markers, or whatever else you desire. You can paint designs on the kite or turn the kite into a fish by adding eyes, gills, and fins. You can glue different items to the kite but be sure not to load the kite down with heavy items -- or it will have a hard time staying up in the air.
- Use paper streamers as kite tails and glue them to the bottom of the paper bag. You can make your own streamers by cutting crepe paper, newspaper, tissue paper and even plastic bags into strips.
- Once the glue and paint is dry, the kite can fly. Hold on tightly to the string handle and run so that the wind catches the kite. When the bag fills with air it will float and flutter behind you.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
The Garbage Lady, Finally an Introduction
Hi all! Thought I'd tell you a bit about how myself and my vision for Good Garbage. My name is Lynn Quire, born in Louisville and raised in Southern Indiana now back, residing in the wonderful area of Old Louisville. I am an avid advocate for reduce and reuse. A self-taught sewer and crafter, I mainly love to create bags from shirts, pants and other various reused material. I have worked in business from the time I was 18 and have a love of learning new things. This has given me the opportunity to learn businesses inside and out from accounting to human resources to information technology. With this love of learning also comes a passion for teaching.
I have been involved with many non-profits, volunteering, fundraising and organizing events. Though mainly my focus has been on school and youth organizations, I have logged many volunteer hours teaching various skills and working at area events.
As Executive Director, I will be working hard to take the message of reducing and reusing across our community by working with reuse artists, teachers, community centers, other non-profit organizations and Corporations through workshops, classes and camps for preschoolers to adults. My goal is to get our community to stop and think before an item is tossed or recycled as to the other lives that item could potentially have; if not by you, by someone else.
In turn, this will help the community, especially teachers, obtain inexpensive materials for their classrooms, art and craft projects and masterpieces.
During this time I will be searching for the perfect place to call home for our retail store, workshop area, gallery and boutique. I'm always up for a challenge and this one is a dream I'm making a reality.
In turn, this will help the community, especially teachers, obtain inexpensive materials for their classrooms, art and craft projects and masterpieces.
During this time I will be searching for the perfect place to call home for our retail store, workshop area, gallery and boutique. I'm always up for a challenge and this one is a dream I'm making a reality.
You can reach me at or 502.437.9021. I would love to hear about places (Community centers, senior centers, after school programs or summer camps) where I can share the Good Garbage message and ideas on reuse projects and crafts. I believe the only limitation I have is the imagination...and seems there is no end!!!
I am plowing through fundraising and events, shedding blood, sweat and tears, to make Good Garbage: Center for Creative Reuse an Institution in our great city of Louisville!!!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Call For Volunteers
We are looking for some awesome volunteers to help out with events and camps we have planned around town through the summer. You must be passionate about the reuse movement and good with kids as these mostly revolve around guiding them through a craft project. All volunteers will be put through a background check either through us or the facility we will be working in. Timebanker's and teens needing service hours are encouraged to volunteer.
Please email me at with the event you would like to help with ONLY if you can completely commit. It would be awesome if I got a lot of volunteers where we could work you in shifts. We will rely on volunteers to make these events fun and successful. We will have a meeting prior to each event to go over the crafts, expectations, etc. The times listed are the event times and events are subject to change. I will need volunteers to help set up and break down as well.
Mighty Kindness Earth Day Hootenanny April 13 12-6 p.m. (3+ volunteers)
Ohio Falls Earth Day Celebration April 27 10-4 p.m. (3+ volunteers)
District 9 Community Wide Recycle May 11 9:30-12 p.m. (2+ volunteers)
Buy Local Fair May 11 2-8 p.m. (3+ volunteers, no kids craft just informational and possible selling of product)
Louisville Library's How To May 11 1-3 p.m. (3 volunteers, FULL already)
Old Louisville Spring Fest May 18 12-6 p.m. (4+ volunteers)
GrassRoots Gala June 7 4-10 p.m. (4+ volunteers)
Community Center Summer Camp Tuesdays 2-3:30 p.m. From June 11 to July 30 (3+ volunteers)
There will be additional volunteering opportunities so stay tuned.
Thank you for all your support! We are looking to have a very fun year!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Junkyard Clubhouse, Events & Call for Supplies
WOW! We have been so busy booking and planning events for this spring and working to get the all the business side of stuff taken care of, I haven't posted here as much as I planned! But I think it is time that we let you all in on all the wonderful happenings at Good Garbage . . .
Behind the scenes, Anne has been busy talking and working with a lot of wonderful supporters and persevering through mounds of paperwork so we can see our dream of the retail, workshop, boutique and gallery space come to life soon. No concrete dates yet. Still lots to do...But she is hoping to get us going on a mobile basis soon!
I've been busy working on events for Good Garbage, for both kids and adults! Along with our mobile retail side starting soon, we will be scheduling workshops and makes all over town.
Anne and I have created the Good Garbage Gang and The Junkyard Clubhouse! The Good Garbage Gang is open to everyone. We will have promotions, games, contests and instructables for repupose makes.
The Junkyard Clubhouse will be introduced at our booth at the Mighty Kindness Earth Day Hoot on April 13 from 12-6, at the Brown-Forman Amphitheater on River Road.
On May 11th you can catch me showing you some cool things to do with a t-shirt at the Louisville Free Public Library's How To Fair, just in time for Mother's Day! You can leave with a necklace, bracelet or scarf for the special lady in your life! FREE!

The grand premier for The Junkyard Clubhouse will be at the Old Louisville Spring Fest in the Kosair Kid's Zone on May 18th, from 12-6 p.m. Kids will be learning how and why we should repurpose items such as the infamous Plastic Water Bottle, through stories, posters, discussions and hands on crafts. We will be turning the bottles into sun catchers and medallions, snake bubble blowers, stamps and itsy-bitsy gardens. There will also be demonstrations throughout the day that will be geared towards older kids and adults, along with a display of many repuposed items. We will also have a booth in the vendor area.

We are absolutely honored for Good Garbage and the Junkyard Clubhouse to have been asked to headline the children's area at The Grass Roots Gala on June 7 from 4-10 p.m. on 4th Street, hosted by the Center for Neighborhoods organization. Keep your eye out for more information on this!
We have lots of other things in the works so the calender of events will be updated constantly. A link can be found on the right side of this page. Be sure to bookmark it!
I'm also putting out a call for supplies that I am desperately in need of for the activities I'm doing at the various events. If you have any of the following items, please email me at and I will be more than happy to pick them up. We have some time to save up! I would like them by April 13.
- 20 oz plastic bottles, preferably clear
- Bottle caps
- Older terry cloth towels and wash cloths (worn, thin ones are great)
- Colored permanent markers, or dry erase markers
- Styrofoam food containers (ie take-out containers, etc. NOT cups)
- Water color paints (ie the ones that come in kid kits)
- Small paint brushes
- Colored T-Shirts, Can be solid color or multi-colored, but not white. Old t's with small stains are fine, but they can't have dried goop on them.
- Bins or medium/large lidded containers to put these items in.
***All items need to be washed, clean and dry.
I am SOOOOOO excited to get these events going and showing everyone how fun it is to repurpose stuff!!! Hope to see you at ALL of them!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
It's Time to Start Those Seeds... And Reuse That Shredded Paper
Today is looking to be a very cold day and we are expecting ice this evening! Yuck! But I know spring is right around the corner. My friends at Timebank and various blogs are talking gardening and I realize I'm missing my garden, badly. Moving to an urban apartment, I don't have a great green space I can just till up and community gardens have waiting lists. This year, though, I have decided I'm not going to let that stop me. I am planting a container garden!
You need: Blender, Newspaper, Water, Strainer, Muffin tin, and the sun preferably or an oven will do.
Tear the paper in about 1" squares (doesn't have to be precise) or use shredded paper and fill your blender about half way. I don't have a blender, so I used my 'shake maker.' Fill the rest of the way with water. I let it soak for a little bit because the newspaper soaks it up. Blend until its a soggy mess paste. Add water or paper as needed.
I would have preferred to use the sun's heat to dry these, but the day I decided to make them was cold and rainy. I set the oven to 250 degrees and put the muffin tin in. I honestly didn't time it and at one time I turned the oven off because I could smell them baking. Later, I turned it up to 350 because they weren't drying fast enough. My suggestion is to turn it up to 400, then turn it off and put the muffin tins in. Best time is after you bake something and you can put them in when you've finished cooking and use the heat left in the oven.
Once completely dry, they pop right out of the tin. Fill with compost, soil, seeds and give them sun, water and love. When ready to put them in your garden, the whole thing can be planted. Happy Gardening!
For more awesome repurpose, reuse and recycle ideas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@GoodGarbageSDF) and Pinterest!
Good Garbage Gab,
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Keep up with our Materials List & Wishing for a Scale
Be sure to check out the list of materials we accept HERE and start saving for us. I'm planning to get out in the community very soon with educational talks and make-and-take projects and I need inventory, especially items on the wish list. The list is updated often so keep checking back.
We are looking for businesses to partner with too. Things like corks, wine bottles, colored pop and beer bottles, bottle caps, scrap vinyl (signs), etc. If you have a business or know of a manufacturing business here in town that has something unique that is cast off as seconds or scrap, let me know. We would love to sit and see if we can join forces to keep as much as possible out of the landfills.
Also note the Terra Cycle Brigades we are collecting for. These will help raise much needed funds for our education and community programs.
And at the top of our Wish List is a scale! Something big enough for us to weigh bags/boxes of items as they come in. A postal scale that would go up as high as 50 pounds and have a clear view of the weight. We will use this to log the weight of all donations and be able to see the tonnage we are keeping out of the landfill. We have so much already in our storage facility, I'd really like to get that all weighed soon. Anybody have an old one they want to get rid of?
Email me with any questions or info.
~Lynn (
Saturday, February 2, 2013
The PosSOUPbility Experience
PosSOUPbility is an easy and fun way to bring our community together over food to support new and emerging projects that create innovative ways to celebrate, and/or benefit people, places and things in the Louisville area. Applicants and projects can be based in a variety of fields and disciplines - the only requirement is creativity!
Somewhere along the way of building Good Garbage, I came across this wonderful group. I wanted to be part of it, not just as a presenter, but to go listen to all the new innovative happenings around this town I love!
Anne had spoken with Nick Covault, one of the wonderful people behind the event and he really was excited about Good Garbage and our vision and encouraged us to apply. And we did. Since we are currently still completing the piles of paperwork to become a non-profit, and building our followers, we thought this would be a great way to one, get our word out to like minded folks, and maybe even possibly get enough money to buy a used trailer so we could start a mobile popup shop and give us something to pick up large donations with.
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Compassionate Louisville Trackers |
The application process was simple. Once they receive the applications, they are looked at by a blind panel and three are chosen to present at the event. This was their year anniversary celebration and word is getting out. They had a record six applications. We were one of the lucky ones chosen to present, along side Educational Justice and Compassionate Louisville Trackers at First Unitarian Church on Sunday, January 27.

They had a record crowd and amount of money to give away. They collected $1490, which at $10 per person, means there were 149 paying supporters. WOW 149 people paid to eat some fabulous soup and to see the small projects happening in Louisville! How awesome!!!! For us, that meant there were a minimum 149 more people we got our vision out to. There was one person in the audience that couldn't stand the odd dollar amount and offered up another $10 right before the winner was announced to make the take and even $1500!!! This means that the winner received $1350. PosSOUPbility holds 10% to cover their costs, but if that is more than needed, they will add it to the amount the next winner receives.
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Nick Covault, Organizer |
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Educational Justice, Winner |
Unfortunately for us Educational Justice won, hard to beat out the needs of our kids. But you know what? You will not find any disappointment here!!! What we took from this event is exactly what we wanted. We got to meet so many wonderful people, garner lots of support, and make Louisville aware we are on the road to build another way to assure waste that could end up in the landfill, will have an alternative home, a place teachers, artists and crafters will be able to access inexpensive materials to help keep the arts alive, as well as a source of education on reducing, reusing and recycling!
Thank you Nick, Beth and all the other volunteers for the wonder thing you are doing with posSOUPbility and the opportunity you are giving all your presenters and the Louisville community. Please check posSOUPbility out on their blog or on Facebook. Their next event is on April 7, 2013. Be sure to mark your calendar!!!!
(Photos all courtesy of posSOUPbility)
Monday, January 28, 2013
We would love to showcase your artwork, crafts and reuse ideas on our Community Pinterest Board. Email me a picture, a short description and a link to your blog or website or Facebook page, if you have one. From kids to adults, amateur to professional! Show us what you got and what the Louisville area can keep out of the landfill!!! I plan to showcase some of you on our blog itself, as well. These need to be pictures and things you have actually done yourself, not just reposts from Pinterest.
Even though I have tried to incorporate pictures of local items on our Facebook cover photo, I wish I could take full credit for this, S.C.R.A.P. Bin posted this wonderful idea on their Facebook page, and I thought it would be a cool idea for us to do too.
Looking for this to be a fun project!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Congratulations to Jennifer Elizabeth Dulles and Brian McMahan! Though it wasn't announced I also want to congratulate our 200th Facebook fan... Virginia Poole Parks!!!!
I have decided to give each of you a choice of the five t-shirt grocery bags or a vinyl LP clock. For the bags, if any of you happen to be a Kentucky Wildcat fan, I have received a donation of quite a few t-shirts and can make all your bags supporting your Cats, otherwise you will receive a random variety of bags. The clock if that is your choice, are made from some old albums and clock mechanisims and numbers from the Habitat for Humanity Reuse Store. Please message me or email me at with your preferences and your address so I can be sure to get your gifts to you in the next week.
Thank you for your support!
Friend's Question and Prepping for the Drawing
Good morning everyone!!!! What a beautiful day here in Louisville! Hope everyone is getting out to enjoy it!
We absolutely love when we get great questions on how to recycle or repurpose items. We know we have people really thinking! This morning I got an email from one of our friends asking what to do with glass candle holders with a little wax left and an assortment of old wax. I suggested simmering the candles holders in a pot of water to melt the wax and to melt the other wax and combine them into one or more of the containers and add a wick to use as emergency candles. Do you have other suggestions? Please share in the comments!
Right now, I am currently preparing for the drawing we are having since we hit 200 fans on Facebook, by writing everyone's names on paper and placing them in a bowl. There are three ways to enter between now and Noon. One - become a Facebook Fan, two - join as a follower of our email and I made a post on Facebook this morning. If you like it I'll add your name one more time to the drawing.
Right now I'll have drawings for two sets of t-shirt shopping bags. During the course of the day... who knows what else I'll draw for! Depends on just how crafty I get during day! The winners will be posted here and on Facebook this evening. Good luck to everyone and thank you again for all your support. We are looking forward to opening the first and only Creative Reuse Center here in Louisville!
We absolutely love when we get great questions on how to recycle or repurpose items. We know we have people really thinking! This morning I got an email from one of our friends asking what to do with glass candle holders with a little wax left and an assortment of old wax. I suggested simmering the candles holders in a pot of water to melt the wax and to melt the other wax and combine them into one or more of the containers and add a wick to use as emergency candles. Do you have other suggestions? Please share in the comments!
Right now, I am currently preparing for the drawing we are having since we hit 200 fans on Facebook, by writing everyone's names on paper and placing them in a bowl. There are three ways to enter between now and Noon. One - become a Facebook Fan, two - join as a follower of our email and I made a post on Facebook this morning. If you like it I'll add your name one more time to the drawing.
Right now I'll have drawings for two sets of t-shirt shopping bags. During the course of the day... who knows what else I'll draw for! Depends on just how crafty I get during day! The winners will be posted here and on Facebook this evening. Good luck to everyone and thank you again for all your support. We are looking forward to opening the first and only Creative Reuse Center here in Louisville!
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